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In Search Of Unknown You – September 2014

Companies need to manage the challenge of technology and the new forms of collaboration it offers, in order to reap the most benefit. Crossing technological boundaries, embracing collaboration, promoting user communities, demonstrating the value of new technology, and driving factors behind the change are key to creating a new organisation, where open innovation prevails. The same applies each one of us who shapes the career in IT. It’s been 13 years since I started my career in SAP of which I worked with various titles like Consultant, Lead Consultant, Team lead, Project lead, Competency Lead, Functional Analyst &  now as a Enterprise Solutions Integrator. Recently I started working on Vistex as well. My work life in Avnet now filled with words around SAP & Vistex. FEw hours back got an idea and now thought of writing a blog on news feed happening around the things I work and the organization I work for currently.

September New feed SAP:

  • SAP’s announcement that it will pay US$8.3 billion (£5 billion) to buy business-travel and expense software vendor Concur.  The logic of SAP buying Concur author says Concur could use a boost, too.
  • SAP Improves prediction with big data, geo spatial analysis. Looking around today, this is the strategic challenge that big data analytics & Hadoop integration that SAP face. SAP can set aggressive numerical targets, and create fancy new business models, but given the absence of favourable tailwinds, SAP have no option but to find their own pivots that will catapult them over competition.

Apart from above two most famous news feed, i could not pick up anything that is interesting for the subject in the month of September.

September News feed Vistex:

  • Vistas 2014 was the event that happened on Sept 9th to 11th in Chicago. Read my previous post related to this for more info.
  • My google search for Vistex in September does not show many results. The result shows couple of job openings and the video talking about wholesale distribution. 

I hope that Vistex’s leadership team is working on the ideas they have planned for and show cased in Vistas 2014. Wish for their best.

September News feed Avnet:

My office is at Price Road, Tempe,AZ. I love my office location because it’s surrounded by a beautiful lake and with nice human beings. In all seasons, this lake is pleasant for walking and gives me a feeling of relief in all times.

ASU Lake

ASU Lake

I think 6 months back, construction started at the open space next to my office. All the workers started digging the roads, constructing the pavements, all the weight lifters and proclainers started working. Nearby notice board indicated that “GoDaddy” is planning to set up this new facility. So the money, man power & machinery all started working within the budget or above the budget? Whatever the cost might be, the building is now shaped well and the the architecture of front portion of the building is really impressive. They moved damn fast and uploaded like a website.

GoDaDDay Facility-Tempe

GoDaDDay Facility-Tempe

What do you do if you have a new neighbor? Some people keep quiet, some welcome them and some harsh them. This applies to corporate world as well. Few days back I saw this below notice board next to our cafeteria. This surprised me and makes me think twice how good the welcome would be. It’s impressive and friendly. You never know what fruits you will ripe from your neighbor if you are nice with them? As a sales company, getting new customers and new deals in current market scenarios are stringent. So to notch it well, one need to maintain good relationships with all your partners. Let me hope for the best.

Avnet's new neighbor

Avnet’s new neighbor

 Unknown You To Known you-Sept 2014:

All the above actions or changes are Unknowns in the month of Aug 2014 but in Oct 2014 they are the known. One cannot manage change. One can only be ahead of it….In a period of upheavals, such as the one we are living in, change is the norm. To be sure, it is painful and risky, and above all it requires a great deal of very hard work. But unless it is seen as the task of the organization to lead change, the organization…will not survive. Let me hope all these changes lead to good growth to SAP, Vistex & Avnet. Wish them the best.