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In Search Of Unknown You – October 2014

As time passes, things gets moved from one state to another state, each day is a challenging day. Success and failures are mere a perception to individuals and nowadays it belongs to companies. Somehow last month most unforgettable corporate event that stuck in my mind was Flipkart’s ‘Big Billion Day’ On Oct 6th as when their server crashed  due to lack of the bandwidth to take the volumes. As a IT consultant failures like this always raises a question to ask whom to blame? Business or IT ? Companies are increasingly taking their irresistible marketing deals online, where gratification is instantaneous. Be it from sale of condos and hotel rooms to airline tickets and smartphones. But there’s a catch. The back-end systems are just not robust enough to handle the traffic and the Web site crashes. It’s embarrassing, to say the least. Events, including marketing campaigns, trigger planned or unplanned surges on computing resources which are at a company’s disposal. The result is, in common parlance, called ‘Web site down’ or ‘server down’. Behind this simple sounding phrase is a complex system of a data centre – power, space, cooling, network, server and storage – and when they don’t operate in perfect sync, companies are left red-faced and apologetic.

Anyhow apart from Flipkart’s lessons, let me list down the events around SAP, Vistex, Avnet.

October News feed SAP:

  • New SAP MD gets thumbs up from UK and Ireland user group. Let me hope that he transforms the SAP growth in Europe.
  • Continuous improvement is important in today’s corporate world to remove non-value adding. SAP HANA move with IBM  cloud is sure a value addition to it’s customer base.
  • On Oct 20 SAP announced it’s quarter results -SAP said it now 2014 expects operating profit, excluding some special items of 5.6 billion to 5.8 billion euros ($7.14-7.40 bln), down from 5.8-6.0 billion previously.While revenue from SAP’s classic packaged software is booked immediately, cloud sales are recognised gradually over three years. They require more upfront investments, temporarily hitting profit, but bolster sales and profit in future quarters.
  • SAP TechEd & D-Code – I always like Dennis Howlett and his comments. As I did not attend to this event this year, will pass on Den’s comments for your reference.
  • If you are intrigued to read the road map of SAP here is another post from Dennis Howlett that I take it as a reference to gaze the future.

October News feed Vistex:

  • Vistex announces acquisition of myAgri. As the world Food Day is in progress and scientists around are trying to improve the feed for the future. This move of Vistex fascinated me and we need to wait and watch howmyAgri brings value additions to Vistex core modules and to the world. This is a right move and in right direction. Kudos to Sanjay and Team.
  • Vistex announces acquisition of Blueware– Blueware is a South Africa-based consulting firm, specializing in advisory services, etc. This looks like a strategic move to improve their customer base in other geographic areas. I feel M&A success definition is complex but the value addition depends on the transition of leadership roles and define the boundaries. I hope Vistex is leveraging their leadership in team building in product development.
  • Google Vistex Oct 2014 Results- Apart from their acquisitions news, I found this feed of EMEA Facebook page interesting. I did not followed them yet in my FB. Will wait and watch for their news feed. Page looks clean and with recent updates.

October News feed Avnet:

  • Avnet announced positive 2015 first quarter results. Here is the Zacks report.
  • I may be late or too late :)- to notice Avnet new website. All are now talking about Internet of Things (IoT).
  • Top honor for Avnet’s supply chain velocity E-Magazine.I read this magazine several times in the past and friend of mine who did his PG course from MIT in SCM commented that the material is worth reading. If you are a SCM wanna bee then try to follow this.

Unknown You To Known you-Oct 2014:

Last month was hectic to me by all means, at office I now doing a back up to my boss who went to South Africa for his vacation. All the PMO discussions are make me day dreams while doing the back up. I am enjoying the back of a boss which I never did it in the past. As I don’t have past experience in Vistex Purchase Module and it’s now teaching me the patience while I was doing my new major enhancement in design and configure PR module. It’s all about Vistex my friends, you need to do it yourself and only yourself :)-.. Yes I can and I will haha…

As the holiday season begins and things around you  gives you a sense a joy, relaxation. If you live in USA, I am sure you will like this season.

Halloween Day at Avnet

Halloween Day at Avnet

My four year old costumed as a butterfly and ask me trick or treat, I have chosen treat to taste the sweetness one more time..


Hey guys as the time clocks on wish you all a happy holiday season ahead. Will come back soon.

Enjoy the life and spirit.


Your Siva