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It’s All about Blaming Game

My four year old daughter when playing with her friends and when things are crisscrossed, she looks after some one to blame to avoid the fault on her. I laugh at myself when she looks at me while doing this blaming game.  Most of us have suffered from varying degrees of perfectionism.  Some live in an almost perpetual state of anxiety and guilt about not doing as well as they “should”.  Even for those with a mild degree of perfectionism, progress towards goals can be severely hampered. Many of us procrastinate starting a new project until “the time is right” (that includes my blog postings!) or we treat ourselves harshly for making mistakes we feel we “must” avoid.Like this blaming starts when he or she feels like they do the right or perfect.Blaming other team members, blaming project managers, blaming other departments, blaming project management office, blaming leadership, blaming the environment, blaming the society, blaming the system, etc what not people choose the levels that fit in their needs while playing this blame game. In today’s world, blaming game is quite natural and it’s one of the key for your survival.

Root cause for this Game:

Most common cause of this game is failure productivity. People that are associated with the project,both internal or external who normally starts the game. They use all kinds of communication methods to start this game.

Not all failures are equally good for you. This is also one of the root

To explain this, I tend to use an informal equation I call the “failure equation”:

failure productivity = information / pain

Some failures result in a lot of pain over a prolonged period of time and yield little valuable information.  Being stuck in an abusive relationship or in dead-end job are good examples. I call such failures “meaningless suffering”, because there is very little meaning that can be derived from the suffering. The only meaningful action you can take when encountering such failures is to get out of the situation, to stop the failure as soon as possible.

At the End of the Game :

You see a blamer and receiver. Each one of the participant in this game also notice the truth which is biased.


Good or Bad?

In today’s corporate world, survival and keep your job is the most fundamental rule people do follow. I believe both blaming and survival have some coherent relationships. Impact of the this game depends on the situation they play. Good or bad are mere depends on the situation they play.


Leadership & Blaming Game:


Genuine leadership demands a sense, not of glamour, but of responsibility. The true leader is concerned not so much with the opinions of others as with the truth, with getting a job done, and with inspiring others to join him in working toward a common goal.

This concern implies a willingness to assume the responsibility not merely for success, but also for failure; a willingness take the risks, instead of waiting for others to take it, thereby absolving oneself of any blame.

Most people are happy enough to take the credit for being right, but few are willing to take the blame for being wrong. The genuine leader is equally indifferent to praise and blame.There are times when the leader knows that he must shoulder an undeserved blame — perhaps because others wouldn’t be able to bear the weight of it, or simply to see an issue dropped as soon as possible.

One learns in the role of leadership that the only way to get a job done is to get people to act and not react, as they tend to do, especially when they are blamed. In this sense, a leader must be like a good athlete. A skier, for example, doesn’t have time to think whether he likes a particular rough spot on the slope. His one thought is, “What shall I do about it?”

Leaders do participate in this game direct and indirect. True leaders try to avoid this blaming game when impacts have negative effect to their team and the system they support.

Actions of Learn from this Blame Game:

Each one of us should learn the actions of the blaming game that we play in life which became unavoidable.

  • What consequences, direct and indirect, did this blaming game have?
  • What assumptions did we make that were incorrect and why?
  • What is the root cause of this blame game?
  • What are the implications for who should be engaged with this type of project?
  • Do I or others need to learn new knowledge or skills to avoid ?
  • What tactical adjustments need to be made as a result of this blaming game?
  • What are the long-term consequences of blaming game?
  • How to accept the blame?
  • How to accept the truth or failures what are causing this blame games?