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What threatens the world- Man vs.beast


A great dramatist of the 5th or 6th century B.C., once wrote,  “In times of trouble bad men rise to fame.”Things must have been pretty bad in the land of the Greeks two thousand five hundred years ago, to produce such thoughts in the mind of a great thinker.We have no time to go into the details of Greek history of the period to find out why and how bad men rose to fame and disturbed the atmosphere of culture that prevailed in those days. Irrespective of any, recent Paris attacks resembles the same. It is a unenviable, unpleasant and  dangerous task of an arrogant, aggressive and unprincipled attack on common people. It’s an act of an uncivilized movement against humanity. Since years these kind of disingenuous ideas have been seething in the minds of the people who are selfish, uneducated, educated without substance and inhuman brains of the modern fanatics.

There was, long before the war again broke out, a strong stream of despicable ideas coursing through the strained social fabrics of the world, and the character of post-war climax to so much conflict mud destruction is going to be the fateful consequence of the mental fight that has gone on ceaselessly all the time.

False ideas also can circulate easily today but that should be a stimulus to those who realize the superior potency of truth. We need, all of us, to go to school again but in a new sense, for after all education is, in respect of the individual, the removal of obstacles to full development, and, in respect of the nation, the improvement of each generation, over the preceding one.

In respect of the human race as a whole the most urgent educational step is to realize the brotherhood of man. Certainly no League of Nations or other great Council alone can establish peace until the spirit of kindness lives in the intelligence as well as in the universal heart of common men. The morality of every institution is always lower than that of the private individual, and if governments are to be spiritually purged, as they must be to achieve the better world we aim at, the change must spring from a noble intelligence in the governed.

Forces might be overwhelmed the opponents but does not remove the path that they have chosen for. One can establish the peace and brother hood only after providing the basic needs of the human beings: good food, good education, good health. Western Governments as a league should start working in these extremist areas for providing them same using the local govt & resources in use.

Water is contaminated already either you drink it or else parch to die. Time is clicking fast…….