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Live and Learn


As the year 2015 coming to end; while in rumination my thoughts are with the objects, places and people that I have learned for and learned from.  Kids at home, life at outside and “I” “Inside”  are always bludgeoning me to set up new standards for my learning capabilities in life. I am now inured to the most of the tactics. Sometimes, I cram many into my brain and it groans silently. My brain devoured and kink-kinked with the stuff that I poured into. So, learning is not a preparation for life; learning is life itself. “A man- what he knows, i.e., what he has learnt”. We learn from experience, we learn by making mistakes, we learn from history, both past and present.We should not be afraid of making mistakes. The man who never makes mistakes loses a great many chances to learn something. The only complete mistake is the mistake from which we learn nothing.

There is no such a creature as a know-all man. Oddly enough it is the person who knows everything who has the most to learn. Michelangelo died at the age of 89. In dying he regretted not the joy of having but his interrupted labors. He said to his Cardinal who was ministering to him on his death bed that he regretted only two things: not to have done he should have for his salvation and to be dying just as he was learning the alphabet of his profession.

For men and women new learning is a necessary for growth.I believe in “Undertake something that is difficult ; it will do you good”. Unless you try  to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will snuffle to grow.

There is no particular calendar age for learning. I saw people who says that “It’s too late for me to learn”.  I do have seen people say this ” You can’t teach old dogs new tricks.”.’ Old parrots can’t learn”.This is how they rationalize their laziness to learn. Such-half baked maxims are fallacies.They are the alibis of the folk who say ‘No’ to life.

Of course, man does age. With old age come an impairment of memory, particularly for recent events; and a reduction in the rate of new learning. But investigations show that all individuals do not age in the same way nor all the organs of the body at the same rate. The effects of aging always depends on the individual. Some men and women are old fifty five and others are young at eighty.Continual exposure to new learning, new ideas help older people to keep their mental faculties alert and thus retard the process of aging.

“Education should ever stop. When learning stops, vegetation sets in”.As the year 2016 commences out soon, let me hope that the learning of life continues without much of a laziness. Let me wish myself and you for better wisdom and better insight to understand the true meaning of life “Within”. Let the new facades of life makes us strong and human.

#Learn #Live #Happy holidays.

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It’s not for rhetoric -What is Democracy then?



Last week when one of the Republican front runner called for a ban on the entry of Muslims into the United States. The 69-year-old business tycoon-turned-White House aspirant’s  bizarre, despicable and reprehensible  comments have had spurred a wide spread condemnation in many countries.

It may be for their political, economical or social benefit but these widespread akin to topics cause much havoc within the groups that the society is filled with. There are many facets and ways that Governments, Political Parties, Leaders and the Public should work together to reduce the ongoing struggle of Terrorism. It’s the problem of the deprived societies that we live in. It’s the problem of the Governments that failed to provide the basic needs to it’s people. Instead of blaming, persecuting one sect of the society, leaders should start exploring new ways to stop the brutal violence.

We live in a democratic society where freedom of speech is a basic human right but does not mean that people should talk on sensitive subjects  that hurts and enlarges more danger to the society that we live in. Such rhetoric statements always encompass questions on the public about the what is democracy ? and the true meaning of democracy?

What is Democracy ?


The term ‘democracy’ was coined nearly twenty live hundred years ago. It first appeared in Herodotus’s History in connection with the notion of isonomic—equality before the law. From there on, even though it was eclipsed for a very long interval, it has remained part of the political vocabulary.

The concept of democracy lies since been one of growth and development through centuries. Hence it has not meant exactly one and the same thing to different people or to the same people at different times.

‘Democracy’ is familiar and easy to understand but very difficult to define and explain clearly. The modern world has for the most part accepted Abraham Lincoln’s definition. ‘The government of the people, by the people and for the people’. Nevertheless this is not a complete definition. For democracy is something more than a system of Government.

It has a larger meaning that this definition can convey, Democracy is a multi-dimensional concept and a compound of several elements via, political ideals, economic and social forces, ethical principles, a form of government and a way of life.Democracy in its latest concept is not only a form of government but also a form of society and a form of economic and moral order. It has permeated into political, economic, social and possibly every sphere of life. It is rather a way of living and an attitude of mind.

Democracy is not a self-validating process, nor is its mere existence a sure guarantee of its continued existence,

it can survive only when it is adopted by the people as a way of life, which is primarily a system of values and processes designed to achieve the maximum development of each individual.

Otherwise there is hardly any democratic institution which is not subject to perversion. All of them could be subjected to misuse and to the perversion of their inherent purpose. For instance, free elections may be used by demagogues as well as by statesmen.

Freedom of speech and press may be used to promote intelligent discussion on important public issues or to instigate the baser human instincts. Thus the efficacy of democratic institutions as means of furthering freedom will ultimately depend on the way they are actually used.

Democracy is not, however, an easy form of government to live under. It is a difficult art which demands eternal vigilance and live interests in the affairs of the country by the people. Otherwise democracy decays and authoritarianism takes over. History offers many examples of experiments in democracy that perished when the people neglected the obligations of Citizenship. Thus, the greatest menace to democracy is an inert and apathetic people.

 Notice: These are my personal views and not intended to decry or disparage any person or political party.If there are any comments that are harmful let me know will be removed. Photos are copied from net, if there is any Copyright infringement issues pl let me know will be removed.

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Natural and Man Made Calamities

Man Made Calamities:


In modern times great calamities are usually associated with terrorism and the destruction caused by deforestation and excess consumption of natural resources  by cutting the valuable wood, by wildlife poaching, shelling and the exploding of mines. The most danger comes from terrorism.The mass shootings on public and attacking by human bombs in which tens of thousands died in a matter of seconds and larger numbers afterwards due to the impacts of it’s fear; shall be remembered for ages for its utterly inhuman and callous disregard of all ethical considerations.

The persistent terrorism attacks in most parts of the world for long months was no less ferocious and murderous. Millions were killed and totally disabled by these air attacks and the destruction of roads, buildings, railways, shipping, bridges, dams, industrial plants etc. was also tremendous.

What millions of workers had produced by their back breaking labor over the decades was all wiped out in some of the larger attacks of terrorism. before exploding and bringing entire structures down. In the first world war of 1914-18 when air power was not developed, shell fire destroyed many cities and reduced large forests to weird and endless arrays of tree stumps. In earlier times when explosives were only’ in the process of development, conquering armies set fire to cities and reduced them to cinder. Millions were cut down arid carried away as slaves. The growth of science has made large scale killing easier; but human ferocity had always found expression by use of some Sort of weapon or other to satisfy the murder lust of the great heroes of human history.

Another important man made calamities  include mass killings of wild life and sea life animals. Excess drilling inside and outside sea areas for oil and exposure of leaks were fulminated many sea inhabitants.  This unbridled,soulless consumerism can not be supported. Man’s encroachment for the sake of Political and Economical development into the Nature should be reduced.

If we consider what happened in Syria, Iran, Greece and other Middle east countries, we come to the communal riots in which probably millions of men, women and children were murdered by heartless hooligans. Entire populations were forced to migrate from one part of the country to another and millions were deprived of all their valuables and hundreds of thousands were stabbed to death. These incidents were inhuman and Soulless in their ferocity and painted many pages of the history of human civilization totally black.

Natural Calamities:


Natural calamities however have been no less destructive of properties and human lives. The great deluge described in the Bible in which only a boat load of humans and other living beings survived in the world of those days, was indeed a killer and destroyer of limitless dimension. Ancient history and mythology, also tell us about worldwide famines arid pestilence which denuded the earth of all living beings and their valued possessions. Fires had also raged which destroyed great civilizations. In historical times we have records of widespread epidemic like Malaria, Dengue, Cholera, Ebola,etc.. . Even in recent times there are incidents of earth-quakes, volcanic eruptions, famines, epidemics and similar calamities happenings which caused mass destruction and death in a widespread manner. The recent Nepal earth quake and the earth quakes which struck Afghanistan and other Himalayan regions were also terrifying in their destructive power. The famines due to lack of rain water in certain states in India and other parts of the world which caused the death of thousands of people or the Ebola epidemics which swept West Africa during the this year could easily vie with Zengiz Khan in dealing out sudden death to millions. The Bird Flu of this century or the epidemics of Dengue Fever were no less powerful as destroyers of human’ life. The lack of rain caused the death of many million persons and the loss of property was incalculable. Numerous cities were razed to the ground, thousands of ships sunk and scores of railway yards, bridges and sidings wiped out.


We have to admit after studying the stories of all calamities that man-made calamities have been as bad as, may be worse than, what nature produced from time to time to punish human beings. Man is making a hostile environment for the Nature. Man has embezzled the Mother Nature for his selfish deeds.


It’s time to work together before things gets worst. #COP21 should take long term solutions while working with both developing and developed countries to reduce the CO2 into the air. Each one of us should take responsibility of saving the Mother Nature’s resources. Educate our children to plant more trees and stop thinking selfish .

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