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Death – The Truth

As I sit here this morning alone while kids went out for a play out side, thinking about my grandmother, who passed away from this world on last Sat’day that is on February 13 2016 when I started to visit Grand Canyon from a silent perch. She was an amazing woman, who lived a long and full 89 years, without any ailments. While in my early college days I stayed with her for few years. She was an inspiring one in many facets of life. Typical orthodox woman and stubborn in nature. I take solace in knowing her spirit is up there somewhere. I miss you Grandma, and I think you for years of love, laughter, attitude to live alone and patience. 03-sacred-cottonwood-tree-carried-670

While in contemplation, Death the ultimate truth always spurs me dichotomy of life. Although life abounds in failure and misfortune, despair and wailing, man has the inherent desire to live, if possible, to live a long life. Ordinarily, he does not want to die. And because of this craving to live, man does not intend to lose his near and dear ones, his values possessions and his familiar environments. From this respect, one could hardly perceive the idea of illusion (Maya), to  which ‘everything’ on this earth is false, a mere reflection of the eternal truth lying hidden or unknown. Again it is because of the denial of knowledge of the ‘truth’, man could seldom detach himself from the obsession and mundane pleasures. The seers and saints, however, philosophize the doctrine of ‘nothingness’  or ‘void’ and try to be delve at the ‘truth’. It is for the strong attachment for life that ordinary man fears death. Death has the volitive power to snatch away life and its’everything’ and because death is the most inevitable, but the most uncertain, man has begun to fear it from the earliest dawn of the history of human civilization. Possibly from this fear again, man began to think that there is some power beyond which controls man’s life, both here and hereafter. Of course, the belief in life after death is shared by those who believe that life is not extinct after death and that life continues after death and there is re birth of the same life which has been cut short by death. In this context, it may be pointed out that the belief in religion, which is nothing but dependence on some super or in-common power, has perhaps grown out of this fear of death and the belief in the life after death.

#randomthoughts #death #Grandma