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Think before you act!!!!

240310_1600x1200It’s been a while since I have penned my thoughts. After relocating to India took a while to adjust the life to the relatively new surroundings. Setting up a base from the beginning to subsist in Bangalore is not so easy. Need to do many follow ups with the people who promise for something but travail to delivery. Grumbled many times for kids school books, carpenter, hometown staff for furniture delivery, plumber, painter and many others. Family is now able to adjust to the new surroundings and  to the most horrible and frenzy traffic in Bangalore. Alas, so far so good…

Recent strikes in Bangalore for water dispute with neighboring state that halted the life and troubled many locals that struck me to moot myself with the following thoughts.

In this age of science and technology when man is travelling from one planet to another, when trade and commerce have assumed an international character it is funny that narrow provincialism and chauvinism is being exploited by some vested interests to achieve the their selfish ends at the cost of the broader interests of the country.Man, in general, is very sensitive about his own community.Communal clashes spark off very easily in a country where people profess different languages and are wedded to different rituals and customs. If a man of a particular state is not allowed to stay in another state for business or employment purpose, national unity cannot be achieved.What will be the plight of the who were being harassed in these clashes? What harm linguism can do be witnessed from the wanton riots during these strikes.


The evolution of humanity represents a gradual development from violence to non-violence, from conflict to adjustment and co-operation, as it rightly said. This unity is essential for every country to foster harmony and amelioration.History teaches us that the those who fritter away their energies and resources in internecine clash are destined to decay or be demolished.So, national unity is must for the proper growth of a nation and all efforts must be directed towards achieving it.

To achieve this end in a country where people speak different languages, profess different religions is not an easy job.Education is a great necessity as it widens one’s outlook and makes one visualize one’s consciousness. Educated men are not easily misled  by selfish leaders for their self aggrandizement.

Let the water dispute between the states be separately handled by the Govt Water Tribunal Authorities and assisted by technical panel from the both sides. Let me hope that these issues won’t be politicized again and cause a huge havoc in the mindset of common man. Let the educated men would conflate and stint such instances like these.

Note: PHOTOS are from National Geographic Free download website. If there is any copy right issues-Please let me know will be removed immediately.