

Great Men!!!!


Last week I was in Kashi (Varanasi) the holy city of India and one of the world’s oldest living cities, is rightly called the religious capital of India. Also known as Banaras or Benaras to perform the the final rituals to my dad that will attain him the deliverance from the worldly matters. It’s a pass on belief in my custom. As my dad likes this holiest city hence we went there with all the family members. It’s a 3 days ritual program that was contracted to a local Pandit. Though it’s a costly affair but during my visit had got sometime in the evening to visit the local places. In my sojourn have encountered many prerogative incidents, live cremation of bodies on the banks of Ganges river and people with a strong credence to attain “Moksha” or liberation from life if they live or die in this city.

It’s a completely a unique atmosphere which is different from Bangalore. As I am always intrigued myself to understand the meaning of life or call it myself as “In Search of Unknown You”, I felt like this is a perfect place to ponder further on life.

On the first day of my visit, I met this naked Sadhu (First Pic) near the Ganges and called himself as a stoic and as an epicurean. He was spluttering with indignation.  I have also many other naked babas or Sadhus like him on the banks of Ganges.

While return back to Bangalore both of my kids were down with dehydration or may be a food contamination that wilted down all of us. Alas!!!They recuperated after reaching Bangalore.

Y’day while in reminiscence, I did a monologue self thought to explain who is Great Men? and that chartered like below:

Great Men!!!

How do men prove their greatness? Great scientists, philosophers, artists or writers have also been recognized as great men, but not quite so great as the commanders of victorious armed forces. In the middle ages, in certain highly cultured lands, great artists could perhaps hold their own against generals, but such countries were few and the periods during which sculpture could vie with cavalry charges were of short duration. In ancient times culture occasionally put the names of great thinkers prominently on the map of civilization, and one gave a high place to the Aristotles, Platos or Socarteses alongside the Alexanders. But great killers and conquerors always had a higher ranking so to speak, than those who saved life and made it more worth living. That is why there has always been a certain degree of competition between the great writers and their battling heroes. Homer was indeed great, but how did he compare with Achilles? Valmiki and Ramachandra or Vyasadeva with Arjuna would give scope for further speculation. In ancient India, leaving out the mythological characters, great men have always been indulged by the greatness of their souls. In fact the modern concept of a Maha-Manava (great man) was not their in ancient times. A Maha-Atma (great soul) was considered to be the only type of great man that could be openly admired. In historical times Indians always showed the greatest respect to their religious teachers. Thus the Jain Tirthankars or Goutama Buddha could easily establish their superiority among many great fighters. Even when wars had become very important in our life, we never forgot to appreciate our Sri Chaitanyas, Guru Nanaks, Sri Adi Shankaracharya and other expounders of religion. People have not forgotten to appreciate true human greatness. India has produced scientists, industrialists, generals and political leaders too. But Indians have never forgotten the ultimate objective of human existence which cannot be achieved through any or all of those practical arts which bring success to ordinary mortals. The ultimate truth can only be realized by tuning the soul to what lies beyond all material phenomena. No degree of control over the forces of nature will yield that essence of all knowledge in a measurable manner.

The Romans were great fighters and Roman generals won many battles. But when a victorious general returned to Rome and led his victory march through the Roman roads, a man always stood behind him and repeated constantly: Remember, thou too art mortal”. This kept the mortal man from having any vain thoughts about his unchallenged greatness. He knew he would go the way, of his ancestors and nothing would be left of him in the dust to which he would be duly reduced by death. Humanity could only agree to remember that part of his deeds which served the cause of life and progress. Our national heroes, who win elections quite often by adopting sinful means, should remember that posterity would judge them, not by the number of votes they obtained, but by their actions.

In short Great Mean are those who are the truly great who have come the nearest to the inner realization. And they are not those who win battles or elections or having material possessions.Take less and give more with at-most introspection!!!

“Happiness is for all seasons.”

Few more Pics from my trip:

Another Baba!!

Another Baba


Widow women in her 90s after taking a dip in Holy Ganges!!! In search of Self realization!!


Selfie near Holy Ganges River before the Aarti!!!


Wife and Kiddos while in a boat ride- Sacred Ganges!!