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Pride Of Craft- For Startups!



While skimming my old dairy notes found below notes that I wrote down few years back:

A carpenter whose joining shows wide-gaps, a mason who builds walls which lean this way or that and a cook whose dishes frighten the eaters are all bad craftsmen. In the higher level professions there are unwise lawyers, bad doctors, inexpert engineers and incapable teachers. All persons who cannot do their work creditably should either learn to do things well or retire from the field of work. In the field of politics people undertake to run the great machine of the State and many fail to do the work properly. Such persons should resign and leave their jobs to better men. But politicians have very little pride of craft. They like to hang on and mis-handle the nation’s affairs rather; than retire gracefully and in an honorable manner!

as if:




Last month during the holiday season, I was in Minneapolis for a short official trip. Alas, It was a cold winter which subdued my body temperature :(- Although, after long time I enjoyed the few snowfalls. Recollected my old freezing winter days in Rocheter (NY) :)-.

While I was there, talk to many of my old friends and professional network. Few of them, who have had cheerful bonhomie with their early technology start ups mentioned their success stories along with their ordeals in dealing with hiring the rightful or skillful resources for their deeds and needs. They groan while talking about finding a rightful resources in IoT programming and data science. One of them said, they hired and fired one of his resource after few weeks of hiring. Why because: the person hired was not matching the expectations. I did not prolonged the topic further and continued on sustainability and financials. Two of these entrepreneurs still struggling for their sustainability and product development. I gave my two cents of advise for product development and referrals.

Then, realized the importance of finding/recruiting a skillful resource for a successful startup. 

Later, charted few topics in my dairy if I need to start a new “The” startup of my own without kink-kinked. Then will consider these for my skillful resource recruitment to retain:

To Recruit:

I believe leaders will need outstanding cognitive skills to balance the competing demands of financial success, social responsibility and environmental custodianship, and must act as change agents, advocating environmentally responsible business practices. These are the broad aspects that will be considered while recruiting any of the resources into my start ups.

  • Will set my recruitment goals and plans– like how many openings, cost, number of resources needed, experience, Technologies need, etc
  • Will avoid recruitment drives instead use my referrals inside/outside to avoid cost of the recruitment.
  • Build Job Visibility– Will Incorporate  ideal job characteristics/description.
  • Will prepare my quintessential interview plan:
    • Will include right interview panel which includes right resources with enough experience in understanding the business processes and the Technology they deal in with.
    • Will use two step process- Telephonic & On Site.
    • Will ask for a sample prototype using the Technology that he/she Telephonic interviewed for.
    • Validate the results and prepare the plan for  on site interview process:
      • Will spent more time with the candidate during onsite evaluation.
      • During the on site interview – will include cognitive tests/analytical and aptitude tests to measure the analytical skills.
      • Adhere to the stringent technical interview process.
      • Explain the roles and responsibilities of the job interviewed for.
      • Check the candidates Fail to reason attitude– this will be a case monitor to understand how he/she handles a promised fail.
      • Check the candidate Code to Ethics attitude– To understand the candidates code ethics.
      • Check the candidate for Fail to learn attitudeTo understand the learning attitude of the candidate.
  • Evaluation of the results and complete the closure.

To retain:

To thrive in the future, one will have to become more nimble and adaptable, guiding organisations to revolutionize their cultures, structures, systems and processes.

  • Will maintain being a “Human” attitude with my employees. Rest all will be later.
  • Will serve as a mentor in all terms when approached.
  • Push for a continuous learner as being me in front runner.
  • Always will push for Learn from mistakes & never give up attitude.
  • Will ask my employees -Technology and tools are changing day by day hence tune self always!!
  • I will promise to retain them till the end-with few ifs and buts we rely each upon!!
  • Encourage customer first attitude!
  • Of-course: bottom line we all need perks and emoluments-will not show any covet self!
  • Bring life-work balance always!! No extra please!!
  • Trust each other in trouble times-I test myself before they prank!!

Hey, it looks like an euphoria of my future start up! But, nothing wrong in juggling things now in my dairy for “The” future start up!!!

So, the pride of craft for any start up would lies in finding the right resources and retain them till they succeed.!

Later, I have concluded my thoughts with below proverbs:

If you cannot stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!
Fight fire with fire!
Influence, rather than authority!

Note: Some of the photos are from National Geographic Free download website. If there is any copy right issues-Please let me know will be removed immediately.