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Advent of youth!


This morning while I was doing my morning walk, saw two young and youthful girls contiguous to each other talking loudly, lecherously laughing at others, making brazen sounds watching youtube videos have disturbed my thoughts for a while!! Later while contemplating I was kind of manic about the Youth nowadays!!:(-

If Nature has her cycles of the seasons and the hours, so also has the growth of the Spirit in human history. Man has his spring of roseate fancy, his summer of luxuriant vigor, his autumn of golden harvesting and winter of pale decay. If this is a true account of the history of Mankind, and if Shakespeare’s seven ages of man were recounted as typical of the individual, Ephraim Lessing gave us four fold division of human history, its four periods of childhood, youth, manhood and old age. But the burning question for us is-to what division does our epoch belong? Are we but children crying for the Moon, and getting an iphone or a sugar candy-and, perhaps, the Moon itself is only a crystal of glorified Sugar-Candy,- from the paternal Providence presiding over man’s history, who gives us now and then a Versailles for the fourteen points or phases of our Moon! – or are we manly Columbuses bent on a Voyage of Discovery to the farthest limits of the stellar or the atomic Universe, according as the fancy takes us for the big or the little glass,- or, at the other end of the scale, are we the fabled men, groaning under the weight of Age without Hope, and-wisdom without Love?

Of a truth, old controversies have come home to us in new ways. Are we the ancients of the world, more ancient than our fore-fathers, or are we but the newest and youngest in the generations of man? Higher the wisdom for the latest adult progeny of Mother Earth, but those sapient youths, our children and grand-children, are better logicians than the ‘Master of those who know’ and claim the true inspiration for themselves as veritably the last of the race!

The true inspiration: that is Youth’s claim. And this, they say, has scriptural authority. “Your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions”. So the youth has the higher blessing. For visions are not so unsubstantial as dreams and are clearer intimations of verity. Youth, indeed shakes itself free from the shackles of the Earth, and is the heir of a transcendental sphere, while experienced age mingles something of the earth, earthy, even in its Messianic dreams. There lies the kernel of the matter!

The question is-what is Youth?- a more profitable question to my mind than Pontius Pilate’s- what is Truth? Youth, at least, is not an unattainable chimmera: everyone passes through it, except, perhaps, the one who is born old like a cynical young man,-while Truth-well, men are yet discussing the qualities of Truth and whether there is such an entity at all! But the man who challenges the existence or credential of Youth must have passed through it and beyond it,- more’s the pity!!!

I think Youth is to awaken Youth to the inherent unity of the peoples of the world, and to make future wars impossible by a fellowship based on trust and friendship. Technology should be helpful to enrich life better but not make us slaves and finally perish us!! Age comes and goes hence Youth should live life thoughtful, meaningful, purposeful and should be prescient about the future in amidst these rapid technological changing times. Follow your life rule books and don’t deviate too much to it!

Anyhow, Today is Ugadi is the New Year’s Day for the people of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana , Karnataka and Maharashtra, states in India. It is festively observed in these regions on the first day of the Hindu lunisolar calendar month of Chaitra. This typically falls in March or April of the Gregorian calendar. For those of you celebrating this, wish you a happy and proseprous Vilambi nama Samvatsara Subhakankshalu. I belong to the southern state of India from Andhra Pradesh, where we celebrate Ugadi by making a special pickle or The pachadi is a notable festive food that combines all flavors – sweet, sour, salty, bitter. In my tradition, it is a symbolic reminder that one must expect all flavors of experiences in the coming new year and make the most of them. My tongue tasted first as sour (mango) and I hope this year goes all well!! :)-

Note: PHOTOS are from National Geographic Free download website. If there is any copy right issues-Please let me know will be removed immediately.