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State Control of Thoughts and Feelings


Very soon if we dig the earth after a few years, blood will spring, instead of water!!! Civilization is the conversion of poaching into fighting. Hunting for flesh substituted by hunting for power. Decapitation is adopted as the shortcut to capturing the capital. Men act in haste with a feeling of repugnance reigning over the senses. Reprisal is often referred to as an upsurge of animal instincts. Animals never avenge and do not harbor animosity. Instead, we should fill this world with the music of laughter and joy and not with the noise of wails and travails.

Since few weeks, like of wildfires in Australia, India has been smothering with the aftermath of Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and  recent attacks on students and teachers inside JNU Campus, prestigious university in India’s capital, injuring more than 20 people in an attack opposition lawmakers are trying to link to the government. The night of the long rods have created a brouhaha over the silence of the police and BJP led Governments involvement in these student led activities. These kind of riots and involvement of Government in University arts and culture will always ransack the very well being of the institutions and their.

State Control of Thoughts and Feelings

Intellectually and culturally, governments of different nations of modern times have seldom succeeded in providing inspiration to the people. They have tried to nationalize art, literature, drama and music in totalitarian states, but their success has been limited by the cultural eminence attained by the ruling men and women from time to time. Politically important persons are very rarely prominent in the intellectual, artistic or literary spheres. So that, when governments try to take a hand in matters of cultural, they do not get any useful results. The governmental departments may even destroy very roots of culture or proper education by heavy handed interference or by favoritism of a wrong kind. We therefore view with apprehension all attempts made by the central or state government departments in India, to revive the glory of India in the field of civilization and culture. Government control of art and culture has already cast a shadow by means of social media. In other spheres where official hands have touched things, there have been much damage done and little compensatory growth or development. The state should therefore, restrict itself to administration, defense, public works, communications, medical aid to the people, social security, posts, and telecommunications and similar services. They should leave the mind and the soul of the people free. In olden days, when we had the golden ages of civilization in many lands, the kings and the aristocrats were the patrons of true wisdom, learning and the arts. They were, themselves, quite often, highly cultured persons who could discriminate and choose rightly for the progress of civilization. To-day in democracies of various sorts, the leaders of the people are of a different type. One cannot entrust them with a nation’s civilization, so to speak. Those who cannot catch thieves or run trains on time can hardly be expected to detect imposters in the intellectual cultural sphere. So impostures thrives and true merit dries up when political leaders take charge of cultural institutions.