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#lockdowntimes, #learningfromcovid19

#Covid19, This is the high-time that we have to educate ourselves , both as individuals and as a people. We have come to understand that the revolutionary cycle is concerned, no longer for us, with the family, but with the humanity, the civic life and environmental ideal. Across the world many healthcare professionals, taking the culture of the family as it stands,  have prepared to turn their backs altogether upon it, sacrifice it sweetness and abandon its ties if need be, for the service of those larger and more potent unities whose voices now call us. Many of these health care professionals have blew the lid off many facets of #COVID19 stories. This is the high-time for us to educate ourselves altogether for the benefit of each of us again and again!!!

These lock down times apprise us that there is also our individual education to be achieved. We have to pass from one form of consciousness to another. Mighty births demand gigantic heroes. The seat of the struggle is the individual soul. Here we must understand that all the subjects learn in School or College are only means of education, weapons, tools, elements. The end of culture, self-development, is arrived at by the thought-habits which we follow, with the aid and enlightenment of all these means. It is absorption in the problems of science, scientific saturation, that makes a man of science. In solace or in joy, this is the time that we need to think ourselves twice about what we learn and what we give back to the society that we are part of…..

Also, it is the human knowledge, environmental consciousness and self discipline are the once which are needed for the furtherance of our individual development. It is not what we learnt, but the use of what we learnt, that really makes us more efficient. The use to which, we put our learning should benefit the individual mental well being or for the physical benefit of the society that we live in else everything we learn will be a rote learning and will cause savagery.  This is the self-education that COVID19 have taught me to learn things in my own way, leaving a lasting positive impact on people, family, the company and larger society that I am involved….

Hence, No one may care to help us to do this, but when we have helped ourselves, all alike must render their support. We should fill this world with the music of laughter and joy and not with the noise of wails and travails. 

Stay Safe and Stay healthy!!!!!