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Science for children!

As the year 2021 started with a good news that the COVID vaccination is ready for inoculation, it tells us the importance of scientific research during any Pandemic! I did my bachelors in Applied Chemistry, as a science graduate I know how interesting of studying science when it’s with a purpose. Recently, while listening to my elder daughter’s online 5th grade science lessons, it took me back to my graduate science board lessons, practicals, etc… As this Sunday goes linear, thought of pen down few thoughts about importance of science in education.

Today science plays such an important role in our everyday life that the education of our children will be defective and incomplete, if they fail to understand, appreciate, and apply such scientific methods and principles as will enable them to live intelligently and comfortably in the modern civilized world. At the present moment scientific knowledge and methods are indispensable in every sphere of our life and activities, present-day civilization being essentially based on scientific inventions und discoveries. We owe all the amenities of our modern civilized life to the scientific inventions and achievements of the day. But for those, we would have still to keep to the primitive mode of living. We are thus enjoying the fruits of the wonderful discoveries and inventions made by the eminent scientists of the world in the field of various branches of science, which have not only added greatly to the comforts of our daily life, but have also brought about the security of our life and property. Science has reduced human labor to a minimum, replacing it by machinery, and has served to do away with the barriers of time and distance, to an amazing extent. It is with the help of science that man has been able, at least, partially, to unravel the mysteries of nature, and to harness her forces for the good or evil of humanity. Science has done immense good to mankind, and has worked wonders in the field Of agriculture too. Modern scientific research has enabled us to increase our food production to a considerable extent, by making even the arid regions of the earth yield the maximum quantity of food.

On the Other hand, science has along done incalculable harm to humanity, inasmuch as it has lent itself so admirably to the invention of the nuclear weapons of destruction, which constitute a serious menace to the peace of the world. The marvels of modern medical science have taught men how to grapple with the death-carrying germs of diseases, and thus to fight out death even. The wonderful discoveries in the field of surgery have effected the radical cure of innumerable fatal diseases. Today the modern civilized nations of the world pride themselves upon their marvelous scientific achievements, immensely conducive to intelligent and comfortable living, which have served to raise considerably their standard of living too.

Today, all our schemes of national developments are being formulated and drawn up in terms of scientific principles and methods. Hence it will be great pity if the children of our country remain quite innocent of science in a scientific age like this. So science should form the corner stone of present day education.

  • Science should never be taught as something external to children, and utterly divorced from the practical interests of everyday life. Children should be taught how to observe and understand the phenomena of nature surrounding them, both animate and inanimate. This will increase child’s curiosity.
  • Children should be given an elementary knowledge of the physical sciences, such as physics and chemistry. They should, also be interested in flora and fauna of her country, and should be made to observe and study the plant and animal life of the region. They should get first hand experience and gain knowledge by using things around her.
  • Teachers and parents should inculcate and teach elementary idea of evolution of the fundamental scientific concepts to the children and introduce them to all the major branches of science.
  • A sound foundation is sure to facilitate their further self-education in the subject of their choice. As Mr. Bertrand Russell said, teaching of science in a school should not begin earlier than at the age of twelve.. but it can be part of primary school as it integral part of the education.
  • Educate them the “The Power of Observation.”….. nipping the bud of their natural curiosity should be avoided.
  • Science, is broader hence a balanced approach and broad based education for children at the school age can be opted. Specialization is to begin at a later stage, after their tastes and aptitudes have been properly assessed.
  • Education is a continuous, life-long process, which never come to a standstill. One main aim of education is to promote the growth and development of children’s mind on the right lines. The acquisition of knowledge should always be motivated by children’s innate desire and urge to learn to discover things for themselves.
  • A properly equipped laboratory should be provided for the purpose at the every school.. Time and space permitting, a science club may be organized on a small scale at every school with the minimum expenditure. Excursions to places of scientific interest, too, may be arranged as well. These science clubs can produce printed magazine on a regular basis. A good and well-organized mini science museum should be necessary adjunct of the science club. Pupils needs to be encouraged to collect various things of science interest.
  • The rigidity of the syllabus, too, is likely to lead to the dullness of the lessons. The science syllabus should, therefore, admit of a good deal of flexibility. Teachers should not fall back entirely upon a rigid, cut and dried syllabus.
  • One of the main objects of teaching science should be to imbue the mind of children with the spirit of science inquiry, as opposed to the dogmatism in any shape. Their reason should be appealed to, and their thinking should be stimulated on the right lines.
  • The children of the present generation being the products of a scientific age, what is expected of them is a rational and scientific approach to all the problems of their life.