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Crime and its Cure

As everyone knows every anti-social act is a crime. But it is the result of a series of causes and not of a single one. The four basic needs of man as enunciated by Manu—Dharma(righteousness, moral values), Artha(prosperity, economic values), Kama (pleasure, love, psychological values)  and Moksha(liberation, spiritual values, self-actualization)—can be fulfilled only when man lives as a social being, as a member of a civilized society. Otherwise a jungle man would be an articulate animal at the most. Whenever any of these human urges are interfered with, there is friction and man indulges in the committal of crime. But before anyone is adjudged as a criminal it is the duty of society to understand the situation thoroughly, analyze the effects of climate, food, heredity, education and neighborhood, economic and political influences and so on, and then devise appropriate means of reclaiming him instead of condemning him and losing him forever. Quite often, a criminal is forced to become an adjudged professional, as though all the malevolent planets conspire together to make him so.

Topographical Influence:

Crime varies with the seasonal and topographical conditions of the place and the environments of the person. Even the type of crime vary with the climatic conditions. In warm countries, we find a slight provocation causing exchange of fists and burning of trams, buses and cars. In cold countries even a pistol is aimed with a calm hand a steady nerve and a preplan.

Social Media Influence:

Since few decades penetration of the vast social media tools which are being voraciously swallowed by our present educated young men and women in the shape of fake news and cyber crime. Cyber crime is abound and it’s impacts are surpassing the national assets and individual wallets. It’s immorality in the garb of catering easy money while using quirky online methods ; and our young generation must specially beware of them, because they are responsible for vitiating the mind beyond repair if not beyond repentance, and thus destroying the very roots of our great culture. Organizations are grueling while safe guarding with these vile modern cyber crimes.

Another agency of crime being promoted is in modern films glorifies immoralities, provokes carnal appetites, encourages vagabondism and lawlessness and somehow grudgingly shows virtue all along fighting hard and quite often ending in a losing battle. Young minds are allured by the daredevil stunts staged on the screen. Many such movie makers in our land, who manufacture box office hits and bloat their pulses are not only passed off as great artists and directors but are claimed as the choicest citizens of our land of culture.

Basis of crime:

Crime varies with time, purpose and circumstances. For, after all, it is the society that determines the crime. Ordinarily robbery is a crime. But if a Shivaji does it to build up has armies and to liberate his motherland, or a Stalin does It for the sake of building up his Party, they are deemed as meritorious acts. Normally murder is the worst crime. But if the same person commits good many murders in an enemy camp, it is a heroic feat. One would even bless one’s own country’s bombers to shower hell and fire over the enemy territories. In some countries prostitution is a crime and in some it is not. In olden days hand would be cut off for a simple theft, But under the present judicial set up-up, even a murderer is set at large for want of evidence. Banks to Markets have had their set of rules governed for crime. Basis for crime and punishment has been changing over the periods. Scientific tools have been emerging to find the clues and evidences. Prisoners are now called inmates. Cells and barracks no more give the impression of cages and dungeons. Political criminals are even being reclaimed into society with success..

Cure for Crime:

Over the centuries, societies have witnessed various forms of crime and its contiguous punishment reforms and knowing full well that any amount of penal laws and jails cannot mitigate the incidence of crime, let our people try to train themselves and their children on the basis of our great culture and most of the causes of crime will be certainly eradicated from our glorious land. Education with moral values in routed with cultural values should be preached and practiced.