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Read Literature to Avoid The Crime

Across the world, Crime Rates have been rapidly growing and taking multitudinous avatars using the growing new technology! From a heinous physical harm to the bearing malice cyber crime, all can be traced to a depraved and morbid individual who is influenced by self or other who accomplice. In my view, “World peace can be achieved, not through force, not through authority imposed —though it is to some extent necessary —but essentially through Education. In the new education for world peace, literature has a very important and vital part to play.”

Literature composed of those books primarily winch have an abiding and abounding human interest of a general nature, and which delight, move, instruct us by their form, beauty of expression, and significance, Literature thus grows out of life, out of the experience and awareness of life, or the imagination or emotional response of the writer based on his contact with life. It cannot be divorced from the social environment and cannot flourish in a vacuum. Whether it arises from the creative instinct or the desire for self-revelation or the study of human motives and actions or the weaving together of reality and imagination, It cannot but be a vital factor in the liberal education, of humanity. The literature of purely personal experience , of the common life of man as man (the great questions of life and death, sin and destiny, God, man’s relation with God, the hope of the race and hereafter, and the like) , of the social world with all Its activities and problems, the literature which treats of Nature, and the literature which treats the art.

It has to be that a good deal of the literary creations of all countries, especially drama and fiction, is apparently hardly conducive to the inspiration of a new co-operative existence, of a world of tolerance sanity, mutual understanding, of international amity, and of the pursuit of peace and progress The reasons are not far to seek. All the great masterpieces of epic drama, and fiction are conditioned by the social order to the ages in which they were written and they naturally reflect the ideals and beliefs which are hard to accept today. Thus the glorification of war, the delight it conquest and prowess in the battle field, the subservience of man to dictatorial authority, the institution of slavery the feudal order, chauvinistic patriotism and nationalism and the assertion of the individual will and power and themes which do not lend themselves to re-education in a a world which seeks the social welfare of the masses, comparative equality of status, tolerance, and brotherhood. The lives of the Napoleons and Alexander of history must not be allowed to thrill the minds of the young. Instead the ‘good’ characters in a story should often so effective—All that needed is a shift of emphasis and a better way of reading these masterpieces for revealing their significance to young minds. Because the great masterpieces of fiction and drama and biography still give us a clearer understanding of human motives and conduct.

From apparent evil so much real good can be extracted that the study of literature in fact ought to make us understand human nature better. Not should we forget the catharsis at the end of a great tragedy- the purging of the emotions of pity and terror that are aroused by tragic situation. The epics of Greece and The Ramayana or The Mahabharata legendary epics from India give accounts of sanguinity battles but they also inspire men to noble deeds of chivalry self-sacrifice, and heroism.

There are, however, other spheres of literature,— poetry, for example, viz , the great poems of Kalidasa, Bhavabhuti, Dante, Milton, Wordsworth, Shelley, Goethe, and Tagore, to take only a few instances,- which express all the idealism, dreams, and aspirations of great minds. Thus the longing for liberty, political and spirituality, for a new world of peace and harmony, for friendship among the nations of the world. The meditative, thoughtful, and formative books of mystics, saints, and divines are also literature in the real sense of the word. Thus the New Testament, parables and stories and teachings of Christ and Buddha, and of Gita, the lyrics and songs of Kabir, Tukaram and of Omar Khayyam are as great a heritage as the great dramas and novels of the world. If we had greater emphasis on these works in our educational institutions than we give at present, a real change can be brought about in the human outlook. The message of tolerance and mutual understanding, of friendship between man and man and race and race, is one that can reach the human heart, eager through the above works than, through mere preaching.

The literature of the future, it is hoped, will lay aside the morbid, the unhealthy, the fanatical, and the evil tendencies in man and dwell on all that is sane, cooperative, and healthy and emphasize the liberal and benign tendencies. It must, of course, remain art all the tune and not degenerate into mere propaganda. It will lead humanity to peace, cohesion, and tolerance. We need tech savvy and human pro individuals to the world!