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In a somber mood, on January 1st of this new year, without rant and complain to anyone started thinking about ‘For a Good Sleep” and adding notes to this blog post, which turned into like this:

As the mind constantly and fantasizes, creating and destroying its own world, It gets entangled in its own creation; the seeker, finding it difficult to handle random thoughts, is virtually forced to abandon his/her meditation. Similarly, because of the inability to disengage themselves from the rush of  endless thoughts, some people begin to suffer insomnia. During bouts of sleeplessness, people realize the extent to which their minds are out of control. After Covid-19, sleeplessness, less sleep or insomnia have been the people’s frequent topic to mutter and the discussion can continue for hours and hours while thinking about for its consequences to our mental or the physical health. Companies are preaching their employees to ‘have a good sleep, parents keep asking ‘go to bed and stop watching phone’ and doctors forcing us to ‘avoid stress and take rest’, bounty of examples to count on but still people continue to live ‘sleep deprived’.

I go to bed early and wakes up early by 5 A.M. Headache, indigestion are my body symptoms and I will be bit grumpy when I am sleep deprived. To avoid this, most of the times, I am punctual to my sleep timings and bit conscious about my night food. Food and Sleeping are my conscious habits that I choose carefully. Maintaining consistency is the key factor! Even If I do, I still can’t sleep immediately. Some can, may be it’s God’s gift to them like of a baby sleep. I always have hard times, while in bus/train or in a plane to sleep. I need to dry out completely to sleep in a plane.. Crestfallen!

Sleep a special state of the organism, due to certain physiological conditions, which is characterized  by unresponsive to the external stimuli and (generally) by absence of observable signs of consciousness. Still there are many ongoing researches to the analysis of the exact nature of sleep and brain in stimuli. Extreme individual variations in the every aspect of sleep hinder us from definite generalizations.

From biological point of view, the broad characteristic features of sleep are, the reduction of metabolic rate, comparative physical immobility, diminished response to external stimuli, and the replacement of the degenerated cells by the new-born.. Psychologically, sleep is said to cause cessation of higher mental processes. It has further been observed to possess the power of replenishing the energy man uses up in this waking hours, though it is difficult to ascertain with exactitude as to what extent sleep is indispensable for this particular purpose.

For a Good Sleep:

I think, duration of sleep, motility and depth of sleep are the key factors for a good sleep. These can be trained to the body and mind.

1.Duration is a fundamental factor of sleep. A wide range of Individual differences’ is noticed with regard to this factor. Thomas Edison is credited to have done well with 3 to 4 hours of sleep often spreading them over 3 or 4 periods of an hour each. And, Napoleon could forego sleep for days together without any visible adverse effects. Yet, children of superior mentation are sold to sleep longer than those who are comparatively inferior. A person of pronounced habits and accustomed to get his eight hours would in all probability feel lethargic the next day if he were deprived of his sleep even by an hour any night. He would not, however, feel it irksome to carry on his normal duties if he gradually but confidently reduces sleeping hours. It is perhaps an act overdone to assign the hours of sleep to children or the adults; suggestion and habit play distinguishing parts in increasing or decreasing  the sleeping hours without producing any striking effect.

2) Motion or Motility in sleep is a characteristic which is closely related to the cause of sleep as also its effect. As it is well known, one of the simplest, ways of bringing about sleep is to remain in a passive and relaxed state. Motion on the other hand appears to be an essential feature in sleep, since sleeping on the same side for a prolonged period would impair the vascular circulation on that side of the body. Usually motility increases during the  second half of sleep when its depth appears to slacken.

3) Depth of sleep is generally believed to be negatively related to the duration though the important factor in the recuperative functions of sleep. In order to measure the depth several methods have been tried by the researchers but still some more are needed to find the real effectiveness.

Sleeping is a peculiar body trait that differs from person to person. But, the body and mind can be trained for a good sleep. Harmonious Food, Philosophical mindset, Physical exercise and Regular Yoga are my tools for a good sleep. I keep my sleeping patterns common and I request the same to my wife and kids. Rest all individual choices.

Happy New Year 2024! Hope this year brings us some good sleep regularly. Wish You Sleep Well Peacefully and Mindfully!