
My Spiritual Ideal

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THE subject is not an easy one to tackle. It involves an analysis and examination of a number of concepts. In the first, place, what is meant by ideal ‘ ; and in the next place, what is meant by ‘spiritual’ ? The word ‘ideal’ has many meanings, and. I do not propose to go through all the possible meanings given in the dictionary. What it denotes in the present context is a standard of excellence.

Does it imply an objective which is capable of being attained or realized? To my mind, this is not necessary. It is something which should be sought or striven for, and furnishes a standard or pattern. The ideal may or may not be attainable. It does not cease to be an ideal if it cannot be attained. Perfection, for instance, may be suggested an ideal. But it is hardly ever attainable. Even supposing that perfection is, or should be, the ideal, it does not carry us far, for it conveys no clear idea as to the contents of perfection. Perfection or ideal may relate to various matters and would depend upon the ends or objectives we have in view. It may be physical, material, moral, intellectual, aesthetic or spiritual. Absolute perfection in all things, qualities or attributes is hardly ever realized except in God. Thig again would carry us to the question of the nature of God. It may perhaps be sufficient to say that God is another name for all round perfection or perfection in all things.

Perfection is very often capable of being used relatively with reference to particular objects of contemplation or endeavor. A horse may be described as perfect if we have in view its shape, speed, endurance or capacity for carrying.

A subtle intellect capable of clear thought and analysis may be regarded as a form of excellence and as an ideal to be cultivated. A beautiful picture may be regarded as falling within the world of the ideal. A well-built athlete may be an ideal of physical beauty. Purity of life, character and conduct may be so high as to furnish an ideal to be followed or admired. There are many elements which enter into our conception of excellence of the standard and raise it to the level of the ideal.

When we speak of spiritual ideals, we have to form a clear conception of what is meant by spiritual’. We have to exclude physical and material things. To my mind, an ideal denotes an end and not a means. It refers to or condition to be achieved and not to the means of achieving it. Prima facie the words ‘spiritual ideal’ relate to character and conduct. Asceticism and self-sacrifice are not ends in themselves. Contentment, equanimity and peace of mind would be very desirable states of mind and worth cultivating. Active philanthropy, patriotism and various forms of altruistic conduct may be commended as falling within the sphere of spiritual deals. Tho practice of Yoga or meditation would be a means to the attainment of mental equilibrium, but it is not an end in itself. My spiritual ideal would include altruism, bliss, bhakti or devotion, and the contemplation of perfection in the Shape of divinity. It is not possible to attempt any farther definition.

Author: shankar1242

A voracious reader, a Wikipedian (450 plus edits) & blogger. Philosophy is my favorite topic to mutter. 20 Plus Years of IT exp in SAP, Program Mgnt, IoT. Worked in USA for 10 plus years and for good recently returned back to India. After working for Food Major conglomerate in Bangalore for 7 plus years, now working leading Indian team for a SAP Pricing product company.

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